TNX es 73's
Hex and Moxon Wire Beam Antennas, Baseplate Kits, Hubs, etc (Ron Mott - W4RDM)
Fabricates wire beam antennas, baseplate components for Homebrew Hex, Moxon and Spiderbeam
The HexKit Hex Wire Beam baseplate hub has been used in over 1700 homebrew Classic Hex Wire
Beams and the G3TXQ Broadband Hex Wire Beam in the past seven years.
Click here to see a Google map of where HexKit baseplates are being used.
The baseplate hub assembly uses proven components.
Note that the term "hex beam" used on this website does not refer to the Hex-Beam® manufactured by Traffie
Technology of Ashby, MA USA. The term Hex Beam here refers to the (DIY)hombrew hexagon shape wire beam
Note: At the present we have suspended manufacturing due to an extended illness in the family.
The online store will be offline until we are able to fulfill orders.
Thanks for your patience.
73.... Ron W4RDM